Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Guess what?! Only 8 months until Christmas! (You may proceed with a groan or a smile or whatever response that idea evokes.)

We experimented with 3 different recipes this week (2 of which are nearly identical). Sunday we had Tim & Ness over, and together we whipped up this cool little concoction. I had some reservations about it, but it turned out so VERY yummy. We're not sure which of the seasonings betrayed us, but something was way too spicy. If only we could add sour cream. *sigh* We'll experiment with it and hopefully pinpoint the Judas. Because it was quite delicious :)

This morning, my little Jeremiah really wanted a banana. But every one he opened had at least one huge, black spot of slimy nastiness looking up at him. And you know what they say, "When life hands you black bananas, give them to mom for baking." Well. . . the saying could go like that. Who likes lemonade better than banana bread anyway?

Needless to say, I proceeded to bake. I tried two different banana "muffins." One was actually supposed to be a cookie. Meh. Reading comprehension was always a weak spot for me in those scantron bubble test dealies. They still tasted good. Here's the site where the recipes came from. The cookie thing is on Day 1, and the muffins are on Day 19.

Today I started assembly on my 3-ring binder home-made cook book. Not because I'm crafty and cute, either. No single vegan cookbook contains more than, say, 5 recipes that sound edible. And I'm not about to buy my own cook book. I decided to make it with page protectors instead of punching holes in easy-to-tear, easy-to-stain paper. I also had the brilliant idea of sliding coupons for ingredients in different meals right into the slip cover. That way I can't forget to use the stinkin' things. That felt like a stroke of brilliance.


  1. 2 T. sounds like a lot of curry. My guess is that is the Judas.

  2. We weren't sure if it was the curry or the cumin. I'm not sure which one is spicier. You've been cooking longer than I have. So. . . we'll try cutting that one down first :) Thanks!
