Friday, May 4, 2012


Random fact of the day: a popped bag of microwave popcorn has fewer calories than an unpopped bag. And all this time I've been noshing the raw kernels to try cutting back. Gah!

Anyway, we're now into our third day of the vegan ordeal.

You know, back in high school I was anorexic. And I have to say that at least then, the hunger pangs subsided. *sigh* I just keep telling myself "things will get better." The OCD side of me is pretty sure that once some kind of routine develops, this will be easier.

I do have it better than Rodney, though.

He's on the road. And road food is anything BUT healthy-- let along vegan. He called me last night hoping for some counsel on which of the three peanut/almond butters he bought would be best on his as-close-to-sugar-free-as-Walmart-stocks bread. About 10 minutes after we hung up, he called me back to RAVE about V8 juice. It was amazing, and I should try some.

Side note, I've been trying to get him to drink that stuff for years. I digress.

Apparently he had been living on peanuts and water since leaving home the night before. He was in a pretty big hurry to get to his location, and gas stations weren't very provisional in the realm of produce. I guess after 24 hours of peanuts & water, a good old-fashioned V8 is all it takes to meet euphoria.


  1. Replies
    1. True. I think if it didn't have so much sodium, Rodney would just live on that for the next 5-1/2 weeks :)

  2. There is a low-sodium version, but it isn't as good. Have you checked the other flavors of V-8? Some of them might be lower in sodium.
